An accredited journalist (German accreditation), an author of over two decades standing with a portfolio of books in the fields of travel and cultural history, and a communications professional who provides editorial and communication expertise to clients across a wide range of industries. These are the different strings to my one professional bow.
I’ve lifted stones in cultural landscapes to see what lies beneath the rocky surface. I’ve interviewed subject matter experts (SMEs) in many industries and written about how grazing animals can avoid being electrocuted by solar panel wiring in agrovoltaics. I blog for a leading software company. And I have described the Volga River to its delta at the Caspian Sea for a leading publisher so that others can travel more easily.
These are all part of the job. And I love it, because each involves a journey in some way. Each takes me to unexpected places. And each is storytelling that gives identity and brings people together and closer to the world in its many different aspects.
To find out more about my language and communications services for business clients, see here. Also see the Featured sidebar for just a small selection from my portfolio.
My portfolio of travel and history writing includes travel guidebooks, travel short stories and a full-length work about Siberia (Siberia, A Cultural History, published by Oxford University Press/Signal Books). Go to Travel Writing.

Where: Honey collectors in Sundarbans, in the delta formed by the the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers in the Bay of Bengal, India.
When: 2024